It’s tall. It’s beautiful.
It’s handsome.
Designed with or without a threshold, the perfect combination of style and functionality, adding a touch of elegance to your space while providing the benefits of reduced noise and better energy efficiency. It comes with a multi-locking system key for additional security, up to 12 feet tall, 3D hinges for smooth movement, options for door closure systems, with glazing up to 32mm DGU glass.
- Hinged system
- Frame depth 50 mm
- Single | Multi locking mechanism
- Security hardware | Digital locking (options)
- Alloy grade
6063 – T6
- Glazing
4 - 32 mm glass
- Possible Typology
Side hung
Top hung
Tilt & turn
Parallel opening
Inward | outward openings
- Frame Door: 50 | 70 mm
Frame Window: 50 |46 mm
- Profile thickness – 2 mm
- Sash Door: 101 mm
Window 80 mm
- Maximum permittable weight per leaf 200 Kg*
*with security hardware
- Permittable dimensions per leaf (W X H)
1067 mm X 3660 mm*
*with security hardware
- Transmittance
Uw from 2.0 (W/m2k)*
*Please consult typology, dimensions & glass
- Maximum acoustic insulation
Rw upto 40 dB
- Air permeability
Test BS EN 1026: 2016 (Class 4)
- Water tightness
Test BS EN 1027: 2016 (PA 600, Classification 9A)
- Wind resistance
As per BS EN 12210 (2.8 kPA)